Saturday, March 14, 2009


I can't believe that I didn't even post on my daughters birthday.

I haven't posted pictures.

I haven't posted certain events.

Not to mention that Ava's 5th tooth broke through and her 6th is getting really close to breaking through.

She has learned a few new things, words and such.

And did I mention that I didn't even post on her birthday??

What kind of mother blogger am I?

I am posting to bitch and complain about not posting, only to NOT post about previously mentioned things.

Yep, that's right.. This is just a teaser post, if you will.

Things have been CRAZY BUSY around here and I just haven't had the time. I am sure that I think at least once or twice a day "I need to blog about this. I need to post about that." But I just haven't had the time to do so. When I do have time, it is usually when Ava is napping and I can't lie, I am usually napping right along with her!

Tyler moved in with us Friday. He misses his Mom and Logan but he happy to be here with us. The transition is going well thus far and I am confident things will continue to go well. We went up to his school on Friday and switched all of the paper work into our names and our information. We already have a meeting with all of his teachers scheduled as well as an ARD meeting.

My dad had surgery Thursday and should hopefully be going home tomorrow.

We spent WAYYY too much money at the grocery store. A new record for us.

The house has been an absolute MESS, basically since the birthday party! Michael and I tag teamed today and got quite a bit of laundry and cleaning done. I am certain that tomorrow will consist of more cleaning.

Kathie had her beautiful baby boy, Dash who is in NICU for a couple of weeks due to a possible infection. Please keep her and baby Dash in your prayers.

Sorry to keep it short. Hope to get things on track around here soon, get a schedule going and get adjusted to the new changes and I'll be back up and running again!

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