Monday, January 5, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's Monday again and I'm back! I missed last Monday but I am glad to be back, sharing all the not-so-wonderful things that I have most certainly not done.

  • Yesterday, while rearranging our bedroom and putting everything back in it's place, I absolutely did not give my daughter way too many snacks because she was just being so quiet and so good. Nope, not me!
  • The other day, I did not make a special trip to Target just to have a few minutes of silence (Ava stayed with Michael)to myself and I most certainly did not buy 5 packages of pacifiers (10 pacifiers!) while I was there because our kitten has a problem with chewing the pacifiers up when she gets ahold of them. This absolutely does not frustrate the hell out of me and I have not been known to keep the kitten in the laundry room just so I don't have to worry about yet another pacifier being chewed up. Have you any idea how much money we have spent on damn pacifiers because of our crazy precious little Patches??
  • Ava did not just walk right in front of me, as I am typing this! That would be freaking crazy! She has not been taking many steps lately and she is not extremely close to walking full force. Nope, not at all.
  • My 10 month old daughter does not have just as many, if not more, shoes as I do. That would be absolutely ridiculous considering that she is going to outgrow them quickly.
  • I did not leave a stack of hangers on the floor last night, which now means that my living room floor is not completely covered in hangers as the girls just had an awesome time slinging them all over the living room. Nice.
  • I have not completely run out of ideas for Not Me! Monday cause that would be lame.

Well, looks like that's all for Not Me! Monday. Head on over to MckMama's blog for more Not Me! Mondays!!!

1 comment:

LucieP said...

Matthew started walking at 10 mos's so crazy!

I had planned on folding all of our laundry yesterday and when I woke up this morning, was reminded of what I didn't get to since it was all sprawled out on the least we had the best of intentions, right?!