Thursday, October 2, 2008

Just checkin in...

I haven't had the time nor energy to post the last couple days really, but just wanted to stop in real quick.

It's been a long, busy week. Larry was really sick, so the first 3 days of the week I had Chloe until about 7:30 at night. Not a problem at all, but it does catch up to me.

Andi INSISTED on keeping Ava for me tonight while I went to the salon to get me nails done with the certificate that Melanie gave me a while back. It was nice to have a little quiet time! Thanks Andi!!!

Ava fell asleep on the way home and was in bed really early tonight. I feel a little refreshed after having such a relaxing night.

Michael comes home tomorrow and we are getting both Tyler and Elise.

Pretty much all there is to post about right now...


P.s.- When I went in to get Ava out of bed this morning she was sitting up! She has been sitting up for a while now but only when I would sit her up. She hadn't figured out how to go from her stomach to the sitting position until a few days ago. So this morning was the first morning to see her sitting up in her bed looking up at me like a big girl. I have a photo. I'll post tomorrow.

1 comment:

Cloggsy said...

Girl, you wait til she's standing up in the crib when you go in - it's a nightmare! Emma has this big smile on her face, holding on to the side of the crib, but I scared to death she's going to fall out!!